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Here are we are constantly striving to improve our site and bring you the best experience possible. If you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions on how we can upgrade our content we’d love to hear them.


While we do our best to ensure that all the information displayed on our pages are completely accurate, there may be something we’ve overlooked. If you notice any incorrect information on our site, feel free to reach out and let us know so it can be corrected and updated.

Casino Reviews and Content Contribution

Want to show us your talents as a writer or just share your experiences and opinions of a casino operator? Do you represent an online casino and want to get information about your business out to the public? Drop us an email with information about your gambling site, including the URL and why you think it’s worth our readers visiting.

Conflict Resolution

Are you currently involved in an ongoing dispute with a casino operator on our recommendation list? We’re here to assist you where we can. Forward us an email that outlines in detail the nature of your issue with the provider, and we will provide whatever help as soon as possible.

Contact Info

For inquiries, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact us using the information provided below:

Post & Office Location
Crypto Service GmbH
Frankfurter Allee 52
Berlin 76228

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